Thursday, November 17, 2011


omg!  I completely forgot about this wonderful place, but somehow I felt it in my soul and missed it greatly.  I'm wondering if I shall make a gallant return to this blog and light it up!  I think I might~

In the meantime, watch me get ignored by idols and other celebrities daily on twitter-

In the normal fashion, I shall end this return post with a Mai pic!  A new one at that!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

OMG blogging sucks so hard, I'll try and make more though w

Been a while orz.


A lot has happened!!!  Monlu was sick with a fever for a while, it was saddening, he seems better by now though <3  I don't know what I would ever do without SUZUKI MONLU~

Also, Rip is awesome.

Mika wants me to make a blog post with pics of my house, but I'm too much of a faggot~


Nakky blew up in chat today over timezone stuff, I have no idea still what the fuck happened, but poor Jeremy ;___;  Apparently, I'm retarded for adding 13 hours to EST to figure out JST.  It's just how I've always done it in my head!!!  And he ragequit, and still isn't back, so who knows what happened to him, he was really mean to Jeremy though, so I'm not sure if I'll forgive him~


Hmm, my days have been ultra-boring lately~  I am playing some free MMO with Rip and Mika every once in a while, but I still need something permanent to do.  Hurry up and give me a hobby to take up!

Mai has been lightin' shit up lately, it's awesome.  The C-ute stream was amazing, also~

Some nkskChisa to end with~

Friday, September 3, 2010

Why is everyone so mean? OH WELL

It seems everyone has finally gone insane~  Nakkz and Rip are clearly conspiring against me and creating their own little duo of mean-ness!  I guess there's nothing I can do.  Also, thread died yesterday, I haven't let it die for a long time now, this was the first time in a while, so sad~  Poor thread~  That's just the fate of a Mano OP.  Who should be OP next time???

I think the source of all their mean-ness is their failure recently in LoL wwwww  That game sucks fucking ass so I'm glad they're busy getting wrecked~  Except Mika, I hear he's pretty good lol.

Anyway, these Mai pics are godly~

Thursday, August 26, 2010


I just had to!

MAIMAIIIIIIIIIII and other stuff!

Mika asked me to make a list of favorites from Mog!  How dare he!  I don't have the heart to do it, though~ ;__;  Maybe I'm just too nice (inb4 everything).

I will, however, shoot this one off.  EAT IT!

64 (trillion) years in MSPAINT.  inb4 I forgot someone ;__;

In other news, Dance de Bacoon Dance Shot came out~  Ohgod, it's so amazing <3

I can't think of much more, maybe I should try updating more~  I'll leave you with these!  DAT NKSK

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Jeremy shows up in Mog!

One of my favorite bros Jeremy (ManoSuki; ManSuki) came by in Mog today, he's really busy lately with working full time so I appreciate any time he makes for us lowly bros~  He talked about wanting to get the Airi PB, he's such a bro, not to mention that PB is god-tier!

Also, Alice Margatroid !DoLLFaGERs complimented me in the thread today for having good taste in women when I was talking about Airi's fang moe www, he's a pretty cool bro~  Even though he saged his post, I know his heart is in the right place (^Д^)

Mika and I tried to play Brawl again, I can't get a handle on my lag, though.  Oh well, I'm fine with getting crushed all the time, I guess.

I still haven't browsed the Airi and Mai threads for today so no updated pics just yet, but have this instead, good a post-saver as any imo~

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Great day!

Wow, what an amazing 4th week to Mai's Hello!Project Digital Books month.  Some of the best pics ever in here~  As seen below~

Also, Monlu said this today in chat, I couldn't be happier, he's made my week ^___^

4:54 PM  momonomi: I want you to be happy~

What a nice fellow~